Apr 22, 2011


Looking at these packed luggage, time seems to go back the first day I came to the United States. I still remembered that day so clearly because I experienced many “first time” in that day. It was the first time I left home to a remote country that is in the other side of the earth. It was the first time I came to such a strange environment. It was also the first time I became a foreigner. However, time passed away so fast, just like a moment of blinking eyes, even though I have stayed in the United States for almost 8 months. Now, I will leave the United States. At this moment, there are many images in my brain. The happy time study in GTLI, wonderful Halloween Party, and everyone I have met at here……….

To Ruth: You are the only person told me I was CREATIVE. I have never known that before. Even though I still don’t think so now, I was so happy when I heard that. You completely change the teachers’ image in my brain because I thought teachers are serious, but your laugh yoga really let me shocked. I am not sure I will do that because I am not an out- going person, but I will always remember it is a good way to release pressure. And I really like your drawing and the card you gave me. Wonderful!!!
To Lauren: I took your class three times. You are one of my most familiar teachers in LI. One time you let us give score to ourselves in the middle of session. My answer was I didn’t know because I did not analysis the article by myself, but now, I can tell you:”I know how to fish”.
To Murad: I am so curious about most articles you chose is about China. And every time you talked about China, you would look at me even I am not the only Chinese student in the class. The reason I don’t answer your question is not because I am shame to talk China, is because I am not care politics and I don’t think China plays an important role in the global issue, so I have nothing to say.
To YuChieh: I hope you can get a good score in your GRE test and enter the school you want. I still feel wired about the way you describe long lash person as camel’s lash. Hearing it, I feel so luck I don’t have long lash.
To Jenny: I spent good time in your apartment and ate hot pot together. It is like I am still in China.
To peter: Congratulations on your getting drive license and new car.

            I want to say more to my friends and now I have many words in my brain, but I know if I finish all words that I want to say, maybe one week is not enough. Thank you for all of you giving me amazing memories. I have hated to say goodbye, which let me feel sad. So now I will say: SEE YOU. SEE YOU USA! SEE YOU ATL! SEE YOU EVERYON I HAVE MET AT HERE!

Apr 7, 2011

Star's Conversation

Starry Night Over the Rhone (September 1888)
------------ by Vincent Van Gogh

After sunset, stars jump out. Yes. Night is coming.

A river lies under the sky.  The light from the star refracts into the river and forms an inverted image that is called reflection. The river, like a mirror and intermediary, provides chance to star meeting its reflection. They talk every night. Similar to any else peaceful night, the conversation is going on between the star and the reflection.
Reflection: star, do you feel lonely living in the vast sky.
Star: No. Night and other stars are my friends. They accompany with me. I am in a huge group that is full of the whole sky.
Reflection: Other stars are far from you.
Star: Yes. But we have same dreams and goals. When we feel tired and meet bottleneck, we encourage each other. It makes us close and related to each other.
Reflection: why do you come out every night without rest?
Star: Because I believe I can bring bright to who needs at the night. My light is different from the daylight. It is another kind of light, which can lightens the road for people who go back late, the direction for the captain to navigate the right way, and the hope for the lost people to persist their dreams.
Reflection: Do you have phobias?
Star: Of course. I am worried about light pollution. If the light pollution becomes more and more serious, I will disappear. At that time, I cannot talk to you anymore.
            Reflection: That’s terrible. I am sorry to hear that.
            Star: And I hope the night becomes longer. For me, it is too short to complete what I want to do. When the sun rises, I have to hide behind the cloud because the sunlight is significantly glary.
Reflection: We talk with each other every night. Can you share some secrets with me?
Star: Sure. Whatever day or night, I always stand at there and watch what I concern. I have never left this position.
Reflection: do you have some faults?
The star looks at the reflection and keeps silent. His fault is he creates the reflection but he cannot let reflection choose its life by himself. The reflection only can live in the water and appear at the night.
Reflection: hey, star. Can you hear me?
Star: Yes. My fault is I hide the beauty in the mirror although I look for excuses and lies to myself that’s the only way to keep the beauty and far from the ugly.
Reflection: what is the beauty?
Star: One day, you will know what I said.
Reflection: Star, why don’t you come out in the day time?
Star: Because the day does not understand the beauty of the dark night. It is time for you to go to bed.
Reflection: OK. Nice to talk to you, star.
The sun comes out and the star hides behind the cloud again.