Feb 18, 2011

Belif Smriti

I believe family is a great power to support me to go ahead because...

My father taught me these beliefs:
Don't be afraid when confronting difficulties. Try to look for solutions to solve those difficulties.
Don't look back when going ahead. Destination is not far away.
Don't regret when other option is a better choice. There is no pill to cure regret.
Don't tolerate when cannot handle. Crying is not humiliation.
Be brave when facing everything, whatever good or bad. Suffering is probably the cost of growth.

My mother taught me these beliefs:
There is always someone who stands behind you.
There is always someone who loves you more than him/her self.
There is always someone who will accompany with you until he/she leaves this world.
There is always someone who is willing to pay everything for you without any return.
There is always someone who prepares a table with a meal waiting for you to return.
There is always someone who can tolerate your bad temper.

I taught myself these beliefs:
Striving is a basic element for people to succeed.
Opportunity is created by people. Good luck has never fallen on a waiting person.
Success is not occasional. It comes from sweat, striving, and persistence.
Calmness is very important to deal with problems.
Optimistism is an attitude to face life.
Where there is a family member, there is home.
Family is a permanent harbor.

I believe what my father told me because he has given me enough courage to face my unknown future. I believe what my mother told me because she has let me know I am not alone. I believe I have owned my happiness...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jing, your words make me pause to reflect on the LIFE you HAVE because of your parents. They both taught you such strong values! I like that your father said that crying is not humiliation and that suffering is the cost of growth. Such wise words! And your mother! She loves you so absolutely! I feel you are lucky and you know that! You do have a nice safe warm harbor! Thanks for sharing!
